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Kinball Learning to Hit to Instructor


For teams to learn how to effectively and safely hit the Kinball to the instructor.

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Manipulative Send

    • Strike


-Equipment List:

  • One Kinball

-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • Divide the groups into three teams and place them in three different areas of the court.

  • The instructor holds the ball.


  • The instructor tosses the ball to one of the teams.

  • The team catches the Kinball, carries it to the centre of the court, and then passes the ball to the instructor.

  • The players holding the ball are down on one knee, head down, and hands underneath the ball and fingers pointed to the centre of the circle.

  • Done safely, the ball is pushed up with two hands, or hit off the arm with the hands held together.

-Questions & Notes:

  • Variation: If you have more balls have two teams practice hitting the ball back and forth to each other.

  • Why is it important to have players keep their head down and hold the ball under the ball with fingers pointed to the centre of the circle?

Questions or comments? 
Please contact Dr. John Byl at:
 (905) 923-0938
212 Stonehenge Drive, Unit 50
Ancaster, Ontario
L9K 1N4

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