Ultimate Ring Toss

Ultimate Ring Toss
Heading 1
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
For each team to toss the ring over their pin more times than the other team.
Manipulative Send
Manipulative Receive
-Equipment List:
Two pins
One flying ring
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Use a basketball court--and place a pin in the middle of the crease
Each team begins on their half of the court
One team is given the ring
No other players may enter the crease
Give the ring to a player from one of the two teams.
Players with the ball can only pivot and cannot otherwise travel while holding the ring.
Players pass the ring to each other in efforts to move the ring closer to their ricochet rally player.
Players score by throwing the ring so that goes over and around the pin.
When the ring lands on the floor or is intercepted or after a point is scored, the other team gets possession of the ring.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for Understanding:
What are some of the best strategies to score points?
What are some of the best strategies to prevent the other team from scoring points?