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Coin Games

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Use the fewest number of shots to hit the "hole."
Score the most "baskets."
Attempt to score the most goals.
Attempt to score the most goals.
Attempt to score the most points (touchdowns, converts, and field goals).
Attempt to score the most "runs."
Guess Who's Got the Coin
Middle person tries to guess who has the coin.
Coins Match
Guess right and collect coins
Getting Even With the Banker
Getting the most coins by guessing if the banker has an even or odd number of coins in their hand.
Tic Tac Toe
Be the first to get three of your coins in a row.
Long Boxes
Roll a coin into a box and collect coins that missed
Have the most coins closest to the larger coin.
Money in the Bank
Collect as many coins as possible by landing your coin on the bank.
Don't Spill the Coffee
Collect as many coins as possible that missed the cuop.
Bomb the Bank
Collect as many coins from the bank as possible
Knock Out
Knock your opponent's coins off the table first.
Bump a Larger Coin Into the Bank
Have the fewest attempts at bumping a Larger Coin Into the Bank
Have the most coins closest to the larger coin.
Score the most points by closest to the centre (button)
Score the most points
Who’s Buying Coffee
Flip coins into a cup successfully
Penny Elbows
Catch pennies off your elbow without any hitting the floor.
Curve Roll
Roll a coin through one curve
Penny Roll
Roll a coin closest to another coin.
Penny Stacking
Get the highest stack of pennies
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