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Coin Games
Click on Title to View Game
Title | Image | Objective |
Golf | Use the fewest number of shots to hit the "hole." | |
Basketball | Score the most "baskets." | |
Soccer | Attempt to score the most goals. | |
Hockey | Attempt to score the most goals. | |
Football | Attempt to score the most points (touchdowns, converts, and field goals). | |
Baseball | Attempt to score the most "runs." | |
Guess Who's Got the Coin | Middle person tries to guess who has the coin. | |
Coins Match | Guess right and collect coins | |
Getting Even With the Banker | Getting the most coins by guessing if the banker has an even or odd number of coins in their hand. | |
Tic Tac Toe | Be the first to get three of your coins in a row. | |
Long Boxes | Roll a coin into a box and collect coins that missed | |
Coinoccie | Have the most coins closest to the larger coin. | |
Money in the Bank | Collect as many coins as possible by landing your coin on the bank. | |
Don't Spill the Coffee | Collect as many coins as possible that missed the cuop. | |
Bomb the Bank | Collect as many coins from the bank as possible | |
Knock Out | Knock your opponent's coins off the table first. | |
Bump a Larger Coin Into the Bank | Have the fewest attempts at bumping a Larger Coin Into the Bank | |
Crokinole | Have the most coins closest to the larger coin. | |
Curling | Score the most points by closest to the centre (button) | |
Shuffleboard | Score the most points | |
Who’s Buying Coffee | Flip coins into a cup successfully | |
Penny Elbows | Catch pennies off your elbow without any hitting the floor. | |
Curve Roll | Roll a coin through one curve | |
Penny Roll | Roll a coin closest to another coin. | |
Penny Stacking | Get the highest stack of pennies |
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