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Truck-Driver Wheel Push-ups
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Players complete a set number of steering wheel push-ups or try to attain the most push-ups in a set time.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:

One Bosu ball
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Players position themselves in a push-up position with their hands on the top of an upside-down Bosu Ball.
On the signal to begin players turn the Bosu ball so their right hand is at the 4:00 pm position, then they complete a push-up.
Then players turn the Bosu ball to the neutral position.
They next turn the Bosu ball so their left hand is at the 8:00 pm position, then they complete a push-up.
This completes one repetition.
-Questions & Notes:
Question for Understanding:
What techniques are important to understand when completing a proper push-up?
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