Rebounding Burbees
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For players to complete a set number of rebounds or complete as many rebounds as they can within a set time limit.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:

Per Pair of Players:
One Bosu ball
One other ball (Omnikin, basketball, volleyball...)
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Begin in a push-up position with hands on the outside edge of the Bosu ball.
Partner stands facing the push-up partner, three to four paces away, holding a ball.
The player in the push-up positions brings knees forward to a squat position with feet parallel with the sides of the Bosu ball.
That player then lifts the Bosu ball rebounding a ball tossed by the other player.
The other player catches the ball while the player holding the Bosu ball brings in down in a squat position and then going to a push-up position.
This completes one repetition.
Complete this for as many times as desired or within a certain time limit.
-Questions & Notes:
Question for Understanding:
How can the player holding the Bosu ball most accurately rebound the ball back to the other player?