Planked Hockey
Heading 1
Heading 1
To score more points than your partner by sliding a beanbag (or rolling a ball) between your partner’s hands.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:

Two Bosu balls per pair of players
One bean bag per pair of players
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Two players position themselves in a push up position with their feet on a Bosu ball and facing each other approximately 4-6 steps away from each other.
One player has a beanbag/ball.
When the players are ready to begin, both players begin to walk their feet off, off, then on, on… the Bosu ball.
The player with the beanbag/ball attempts to slide/roll the ball between the players' feet and through the hands of the opposing player.
If the opposing player stops the beanbag/ball that player attempts to score on their opponent.
If the ball goes through the player's hands then that counts as a goal. Retrieve the ball, establish positions and continue play.
If it is too easy to score have players move further apart from each other.
After each goal, switch stopping/rolling hands--or switch after every roll
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for Understanding:
How does distance from the goal influence success?
Does it make a difference which hand is used for support? If there is a difference, how can that best be corrected?
How does it feel to achieve success, or failure?