Partner Back-to-Back Medicine Ball Pass
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Heading 1
For players to complete a set number of passes or complete as many passes as they can within a set time limit.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:

Per pair of players:
Two Bosu balls
One medicine ball
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Two players stand on their own Bosu ball, back-to-back from each other, and one player holds a medicine ball.
On the signal to begin, the players begin tossing the ball back and forth to each other.
Players toss the desired number of times or the most times within the set time limit.
Players toss and receive from one side, then, upon catching the ball turn to toss and catch from the opposite side.
-Questions & Notes:
Players can use other balls (basketballs, softballs…).
Players can do this on their own and use the wall to rebound the balls back to them.
Players can do this in pairs and use the wall to rebound the balls between them.
Players can adjust the distance between the Bosu balls—the closer the easiest, the furthest the most difficult. Variation:
Flip Bosu ball upside-down
Question for Understanding:
How can one best keep balance on the Bosu ball when tossing or catching a ball?