Omnikin Water Polo
To shot a Fit ball into your opponent's net.
Heading 1
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
Manipulative Receive
-Equipment List:
One Omnikin Fit ball, and one Omnikin Net per game with two teams of 3-7 players each
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Two teams stand within 1 step off their walls.
A player on one of the teams holds the Fit ball.

When the two teams are ready, the player with the ball begins play by throwing it to the other team.
The other team runs forward to get the ball.
When a player has the ball, he may pivot on one foot but may not walk or run with the ball.
The team with the ball attempts to pass the ball to a player who is close enough to attempt scoring a point by throwing the ball into the net. The ball has to travel at least 1 yard or meter with each pass. Once a team has scored a point, the game begins anew with the scoring team throwing the ball to the opposing team in the same way the game was begun.
Players on the defensive team cannot get closer than 1 yards or meters to a player holding the ball; from that distance they must try to intercept the passed ball.
If a ball is dropped or an incomplete pass is made, the first player to retrieve the ball has possession
-Questions & Notes:
Tips and Variations
Add a third goal and a third team.