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Jump and Side Step Over Planked Player
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Jump and Side Step Over Planked Player a set numbe of times, then swithch roles.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Side Step
Non Locomotor
-Equipment List:

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
One partner goes down in a plank position.
The other player stands beside the planked player at their side near their chest.
Determine a set number of times to complete the task. (probably 3-5 is good)
When the standing player is ready this player jumps over the planked player, turns and jumps back, then goes to the feet and side-steps to the right across the planked player and then back to the left.
The above completes one rotation
Complette a set number of rotations and then rotate roles.
-Questions & Notes:
Question for Understanding:
How can a player complete the jumps and side-steps most effectively and successfully?
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