Duck Toss
Heading 1
Heading 1
Determine how far apart players can be and still catch a duck. If an incomplete pass players complete an exercise and start again
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Various exercises
-Equipment List:
One rubber duck per two players.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Players stand opposite each other in the centre of the playing area about two paces apart.
One player holds a rubber duck.
The leader assings the number of repetions for the exercise to be done when the duck is dropped (5x, 10x...)
On the leader's signal to begin the players with the rubber duck pass it to their partner.
If the pass is successfully caught both players take one step backwards.
If the pass is unsuccessful, players complete the task written on the bottom of the duck a set number of repetions.
Players then get a new duck and try again from the centre of the playing area.
Notes written on the bottom of the duck include such activities as:
Hop on left foot
Hop on right foot
Jumping Jack
-Questions & Notes:
What makes it easiest for players to successfully catch the rubber duck?