All IT Tag with a partner
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Be the last players not doing jumping jacks
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Have players pair up with another player.
Players position themselves in the playing area in a scattered position.
On the leader's signal to begin players attempt to tag other players.
If two players tag each other at the same time then they both run away from each other and tag other players.
When players are tagged they do jumping spots on the spot.
If a passing player is tagged by jumping jack player those two players switch roles.
When a player's partner does a high ten with the jumping jack player, both players are both free to tag others again.
Play till one pair is not doing jumping jacks, or for a predetermined time.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for understanding:
What are tactics that are useful to tagging other players?
What are tactics useful in not getting tagged?