Snake Skin
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To completely skin the snake a set number of times.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Players stand 2 paces apart in a long line facing each other’s backs
The first player in the line lies down straight with arms pointed.
P5 P4 P3 P2 ==—o==
Player 2 runs over (with feet beside the player) and lies down in front of the first player.
P3 runs immediately behind P2 over P1 then over P2 and then lies down in front of P2.
Continue till everyone has run over P1
P1 then gets up and runs over everyone.
P2 then gets up and runs over everyone....
-Questions & Notes:
Safety considerations:
Players that are lying down need to keep a long narrow position to avoid being stepped on.
Players that are running need to pay close attention to the players lying down so that they are not stepped on.
Front Crawl
The same as Snake Skin except that the back player crawls on hands and knees (better suited for grass surface than a hard gymnasium floor) underneath her team which is standing in a line with their feet spread out.
When the back player gets to the front she stands up and spreads her feet so the next player can go between them.
Once the back player has gone underneath the second-last player then that player goes on hands and knees and crawls underneath the team.
Go through the line a specified number of times.
Could also do a front crawl until everyone has completed the event once and then do it in reverse order with a backwards crawl to get everyone into the original position.
Slalom Skier
The same as Snake Skin except that players kneel sideways and the other players jump or do two-footed hops over the kneeling players. As a safety concern make sure players that are kneeling stay low to the ground and far enough apart from the last player they jumped/hopped over so that people do not jump/hop into them.
Frogs and Snakes
The same as Snake Skin except that the second player in line leap frogs over a kneeling first player and then takes up a position with legs straddled 3 paces in front of the first player.
The third player leap frogs over the first player, then crawls like a snake between the second player’s legs, then sets up to be leap frogged over....
As a cool-down:
Works well as a cool-down but emphasize going at 3/4 speed and picking a distance not a time limit.