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To try to successfully complete the challenge as fast as possible.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Participants stand in teams of 3 and await for the leader to announce the challenge.
Players are instructed to time how quickly they can fulfill the instructions given by the teacher.
For example, the teacher states, “over, under, around, GO!” Each participant, 1 at a time, must travel over her group, under her group, and around her group, till all 3 players have fulfilled the instructions, are seated, and yell “DONE!” The first group to complete the task successfully is the winner.
-Questions & Notes:
Safety considerations:
Encourage the participants to select the safest way, which is usually the quickest way, to solve the challenge.
Instructional tip:
The leader can give the teams time to determine the quickest way of succeeding at the challenge before calling “GO!”
Speed up Variations: Once players have completed do an Around-Under-Over; or Around, Around, Under....
Mass Over-under-around: Instead of teams of 3, make the teams larger by adding another 1-5 players.
Backwards Over-under-around: The “runner” must travel with her back in the direction she is travelling.