Played by the book
Heading 1
Heading 1
Players learn to add precision and deception to their shot.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
-Equipment List:
Each player has a badminton racquet, 1 bird per pair of players

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
One player stands on either side of the net just behind the short-service line in a doubles serve/serve receive position–can also be played on a narrow (half) court to accommodate more people on the court.
Regular badminton rules are used with the exception that the players must follow a prescribed shot pattern, ie clear, clear drop.
Precision of shot and deception to move the opponent side to side are key to success
-Questions & Notes:
Different patterns include:
Clear, Drop, Drop
Clear, Clear, Clear, Drop
Clear, Clear, Drop, Drop
Clear, Drop, Drop, Drop
Clear, Clear, Clear, Clear, Drop
Clear, Clear, Clear, Drop, Drop
Clear, Clear, Drop, Drop, Drop
Clear, Drop, Drop, Drop, Drop
As a cool-down
Works well as cool-down particularly when played as a doubles game.