StrykeN the Pins
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For each team try to be the first to knock down the pins a certain number of times.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulation Send
-Equipment List:
1 StrykeN Pin per team of 4-6 players.
1 Foam ball per team of 4-6 players.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Players from each team stand in a circle with a diameter of approximately six to ten steps, depending on the skill level of the participants (closer for less skilled rollers/throwers, and further for more skilled rollers/throwers).
A StrykeN Pin is place in the middle.
One player is given the ball.
On the leader’s signal to begin players take turns, each player takes a turn going clockwise, in an attempt to knock the pin over.
One of the team’s players tosses the ball to the next player in line, and resets the pin if had been knocked over.
The first team to knock down the pin a set number of times is declared with winner.
-Questions & Notes:
What strategies can the teams use to increase their ability to be successful most quickly?