Hula Hoop Horseshoes
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Be the first player to score 21 points.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
-Equipment List:
One pylon and four hula hoops per game.
-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Place a pylon about 10 paces away from a throw line.
Two players, each with their own two hula hoops, stand by the start line.
With Rock, Paper, Scissors determine who throws first--after that the last person who threw first goes first unless the other player scored more points in the last throw.
Players take turns rolling a hoop in an attempt to have the hoop land over or close to the pylon.
Points are scores by:
Three points for a ringer (If both players get a ringer no points are scored or the first one or the last one counts).
One point for each hoop that is closer to the pylon than the opponent's hoop.
First player to score 21 or higher is the winner.
-Questions & Notes:
Speed version:
Only ringers count.
Players each have one hoop
A player attempts to get a ringer
If successful that player scores 3 points
If successful or unsuccessful the players each retrieve their hoop, run back to the throw line and roll again, and again...
First player to 21 points is the winner
Team version:
Teams of two play with a pylon at either end, and each team having a player at either end.
Teammates scores are added together.
Questions for Understanding:
How can a player increase the accuracy of their roll.