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Circular Moving Sidewalk

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To get the stability ball around the circle as many times as possible in one minute without the ball falling off the sidewalk

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Manipulative Send

    • Give​

-Equipment List:

  • One stability ball for groups of 10-14 players


-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • Players lie in a circle in alternating directions (i.e., every other player lies with her feet inside the circle and the others lie with their feet outside the circle).

  • Players put their hands up.

  • Position a stability ball on the hands of two of the players.


  • On your signal to begin, the players begin to move the ball around the circle of hands.

  • Have the groups count each time they are successful at moving the ball around the circle.

  • If the ball falls off the hands, one of the players retrieves the ball, and the group begins counting successive circles again from zero.

  • At the end of the time limit (one or two minutes), have the groups announce the highest number of successive circles they made.

-Questions & Notes:

  • Tips and Variations

    • Straight Moving Sidewalk:

      • Played the same as Moving Sidewalk except that players lie in a straight line rather than in a circle and move to the end of the line once they have passed the ball. Players measure how far the line can move without losing the ball.

      • Groups will learn that they will experience greater success with a steady, controlled pace than with an out-of-control, fast pace.

Questions or comments? 
Please contact Dr. John Byl at:
 (905) 923-0938

212 Stonehenge Drive, Unit 50
Ancaster, Ontario
L9K 1N4

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