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True and False

Heading 1


Heading 1

To get the answer right and tag or not be tagged.

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Locomotor

    • Run​

-Equipment List:

  • 1 Tag-It Mitt (or half-length pool noodle) for every two players


-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • Players stand facing each other with a pool noodle (half-length) or a Tag-It Mitt between them.

  • Designate a run-to line about three-five paces back (centre line in volleyball and attack lines work great).

  • Designate one side as True, and the other as False.


  • The leader will state a question with an answer.

    • If the answer is True, the True side runs back past their run-to line.

    • If the answer is False, the False side runs back past their run-to line.

  • For example:

    • 1 + 1 = 2 is true and the Trues run past their line.

    • 1 + 1 = 3 is false and the Falses run past their line.

    • Ottawa is the capital of Canada is true and the Trues run past their line.

    • Calgary is the capital of Alberta is false and the Falses run past their line.

    • NaCl is the chemical formula for salt is true and the Trues run past their line.

    • H2O means one Hydrogen atom and two Oxygen atoms is false and the Falses run past their line.

  • For the side that is not running to their own line, those players must pick up the foam noodle or Mitt and attempt to tag their partner.

    • If they tag their partner before their partner passes their run-to line the partner does an activity (five jumping jacks).

    • If they do not tag their partner before their partner passes their run-to line they do an activity (five jumping jacks).

-Questions & Notes:

  • Variation

    • A fun way to review any subject matter for any grade level. Just use True/False questions.

  • Safety

    • Players should position themselves sideways. No backward running in case someone losses their balance and hits the back of their head on the ground.

Questions or comments? 
Please contact Dr. John Byl at:
 (905) 923-0938

212 Stonehenge Drive, Unit 50
Ancaster, Ontario
L9K 1N4

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