Flip Frenzy to 20
Heading 1
Heading 1
Be the first team to count up your scores to add up to a specific number. Twenty works well
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
One spot for each team of three players
One set of Flip Frenzy pucks--numbered 1-7 on the bottom of the coloured side.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Set up the Flip Frenzy Pucks with the numbers down on the floor in a random pattern--each wide enough apart so that players can run between the pucks.
Place spots a reasonable distance away for each of the teams.
Teams line up behind their spot.
On the signal to begin the first players from each team run to pick up a puck.
When the first players return the second players run...
Teams try to add up their numbers to add up to a sum of exactly 20, or....
If a team's sum is higher than 20 they must return a Toppletube and return with another....
First team to get the exact sum is the winner.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for Understanding:
What seems to be the best strategy to win this game?
How does it feel when you are close to winning, and how does it feel when another team actually wins it?