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Bounce Ball

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Be the first team to score 25 points by playing regular volleyball but spiking under the net rather than over it.

-Fundamental Movement Skills:

  • Manipulative Send

  • Strike

-Equipment List:

  • One Volleyball

  • One Volleyball net


-Equipment Link:

-Setting Up:

  • Two teams of six players line up on either side of a volleyball net on a volleyball court.

  • Players position themselves in the six spots--as in volleyball.

  • One player in the back middle of the court holds the volleyball.


  • The player with the ball (move the player back if too easy to hit over the net or move this player forward if it is too difficult for this player to hit the ball over the net) hits the ball over the net.

  • Each side can contact the ball a maximum of three times per side before the ball must be struck under the net.

  • No player may strike the ball two times in a row.

  • If the ball hits the floor (except for when it is struck under the net) the other team scores a point and gets the service.

  • If the ball lands outside the court that side scores a point and gets the service.

-Questions & Notes:

  • Questions for understanding

  • Offensively, what are the best tactics to make it difficult for the defense to return the ball?

  • Defensively, what are the best tactics to be able to receive the ball most effectively?

Questions or comments? 
Please contact Dr. John Byl at:
 (905) 923-0938
212 Stonehenge Drive, Unit 50
Ancaster, Ontario
L9K 1N4

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