Switch Trees
Heading 1
Heading 1
To end at a tree after middle person calls, "Switch."
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Select enough trees for all the players minus one
Players all go to their own tree.
One player stands in the middle between all the trees.
On the middle player's call to "Switch.'" all players must find a new tree.
One playerwill not be at a tree (no tree can have two people thee)--if a tie, do rock-paper-scissors with winner staying at the tree, and the player without a tree goes to the middle and is the next caller.
-Questions & Notes:
Use different locomotor options for moving from tree to tree (jumping, hoping, galloping, skipping....).
The middle player does not call switch but all players must switch with other players within 30 seconds.
The middle player must stay roughly in the middle of the trees and try to get a tree when somone vacates it.
Question for Understanding:
How can one make the best choice for which tree to go to?