Shuffle Tag Warm Up
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Shuffle along lines and try not get tagged by an IT
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
One pool noodle per IT (maybe one IT per 10 players)

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
One out of 10 players is given a half-length pool noodle--these are the ITs.
The rest of the players are in a scattered position around the playing area, standing on a line on the gym floor.
On the leader's signal to begin the ITs try to tag other players with a pool noodle.
All players must shuffle sideways along lines on the gym floor.
If a player is tagged they do juming jacks at the position they are tagged at--no players can go past these tagged players.
Players that are tagged can be freed by another player approaching them and the two players to a high ten jump--clapping both of their hands agianst the other player's hands.
-Questions & Notes:
What strategies might be most effective to help ITs capture every player?