Roped Tag
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An indigenous game in which the tagger tries to tag an end player without getting tagged by the player between the ropes.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
One skipping rope (or two pool noodles) per game of four players.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Two players hold a skipping rope--one player holds both ends and the other player holds the middle of the rope.
Another player stands in the middle of the ropes.
A final player, the tagger, stands outside the ropes a couple paces away from the other three players and perpedicular to them.
On the signal to begin, the tagger attempts to tag one of the two players holding the rope. If successful the tagger and rope holder switch places.
The player in between the ropes attempts to tag the tagger. If successful the tagger and player between the ropes switch roles.
Play again.
-Questions & Notes:
Offensively, what tactics help the tagger be successful?
Defensivelyl, what tactices help the end players stay save?