Rock Paper Scissors Team Tag With Big Ball
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To try and eliminate the other team by tagging opponents with the big ball.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
2 large (5 or 6 foot) d-lite balls

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Divide group into two teams.
Place the two large balls in the middle of the playing area.
Each team stands opposite each other with the big balls between them.
Each team determines what the whole team will call out:
Rock = Squat
Paper = Standing with feet and hands stretched out
Scissors = Standing with feet and arms crossed
Which ever team wins has five seconds to tag as many of the opponents with the big balls--players tagged by the ball join the tagging team.
Play again and again, till one team has all the players, or for a specified time period.
-Questions & Notes:
Question for understanding:
What are some tactical moves one can make to minimize chances of being tagged by the ball?