Octopus Tag
Heading 1
Heading 1
For players not to get tagged by an Octopus or Seaweed
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
Two half-length pool noodle per IT.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Establish two parallel lines at either end of the playing area--at least five steps from any wall.
Players line up at one of the lines.
About 1 player for every 8-10 players is placed in the middle of the court. Each player is an Octopus and holds two half-length pool noodles.
The Octopuses in the middle indicate it is time for players to run across.
The Octopuses attempt to tag swimmers (runners).
If a runner is tagged the swimmer sits down and becomes seaweed, which must stay stationary but can tag swimmers when the run by.
Once all runners are across, the Octopuses signal the players to run.
Continue till all players have been caught.
Play again with new Octopuses.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for Understanding:
What strategies is most effective for Octopuses in catching the swimmers?
What strategies is most effective for swimmers to not get caught?