Hoop Combine Relay
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For teams of three players to complete this relay challenge as quickly as possible.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
One larger hoop for every three players

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Establish a start and turn line.
Teams of three stand at the start line.
One player stands inside and holding a hula hoop.
On the leader's signal to begin the player with the hoop runs to the turn line and back.
When the players with the hoops return they pick up a second player who also goes inside the hoop and they run to the turn line and back.
When the two players return they pick up the third player and run to the turn line and back.
When the three players return they drop off the first player and then run to the turn line and back.
When the two players return they drop of the second player and then the third player runs to the turn line and back.
When the third player returns they have completed their task.
First team to complete the task wins.
-Questions & Notes:
Suggestion is to not make the distance overly long.
Ask players how they can most effectively balance going quickly and not getting their feet tangled and possibly falling.