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Flip Frenzy 2 Higher Jumps 5X
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Players compare Flip Frenzy (or cards or numbered plates...) and the one that is two higher jumps five times.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
One Flip Frenzy (or numbered plate or playing cards...) per player.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Each player is given a Flip Frenzy puck and stand facing a partner.
When two players are ready they show their puck number.
The one that is two higher (think of a clock) than the other does five jumps.
7 is higher than 5 & 6
6 is higher than 4 & 5
5 is higher than 3 & 4
4 is higher than 2 & 3
3 is higher than 2 & 1
2 is higher than 1 & 7
1 is higher than 6 & 7
-Questions & Notes:
Variation: Use a different activity for the higher number player.
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