Heading 1
Heading 1
For back player to run to the front of the line each time.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
Any object to pass.
Four cones to mark corners.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Set up four cones to mark running area--at least around a volleyball court size if possible.
Players line up immediately behind each other.
The front player is given an object to pass.
On the signal to begin, the line of players follows the lead jogger--important not to go too fast or the back player will have difficulty passing the line.
The front player gives the object to the next player in line... Passing an object will help keep the line closer together.
When the back player receives the object, that player runs to the line.
Once the back player is at the front of the line, that player passes the object to the next player in line....
Go for a certain time limit, or a set number of laps.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for Understanding:
What happens if the line runs to fast?
How do you think it feels for a player who has difficulty getting to the front of the line?