Beach, Bridge, and Boats with Tag
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To successfully negotiate the different spaces.
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
-Equipment List:
4-6 hula hoops (2 per lake)
Markers to define lakes
One foam ball per tagger

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Define a space (could be a volleyball court).
Identify, with the poly spots, two rectangles (about two steps wide) within that space that are water, and place three hula hoops in each (touching the edge of the shore).
Players are in a scattered formation around the playing area.
2-3 players are defined as taggers and each has a ball to tag with.
Self Regulation: Move through beach and bridge and boat
Using different types of specified methods of locomotion players more about the playing area—if they go in the hoops (boats) they shuffle to the other side.
Locomotion might include: Skipping, Jumping, Hopping, Galloping…
Taggers attempt to tag other players. Once a player is tagged that player becomes the new tagger.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for understanding:
How do we best determine when we can use a boat?
How do we avoid bumping into others?
How do taggers most effectively tag another player?
Ho do other players most effectively avoid getting tagged?
With thanks For Gord Zubcyk for this idea.