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Frozen Tag
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To not get tagged by the It
-Fundamental Movement Skills:
Manipulative Send
-Equipment List:
One stability ball per 20 players, one pool noodle for each It

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Players are in a scattered position in the playing area.
One stability ball is placed in the middle.
One or more people are designated to be the Its, and are given a pool noodle with which to tag the other players
Upon the leader’s signal to begin, the Its run around and tag other players.
If a player is tagged both of his feet are frozen to the ground.
If another player shoves the ball and it hits the frozen player, the frozen player is automatically thawed out and can resume normal play.
-Questions & Notes:
If it is too difficult for the Its to freeze all the players, add more Its or replace the Its frequently.
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