Who Has It
Heading 1
For the group to hide an object from a leader who tries to find it.
-Equipment List:
Any object: bean bag, small ball...

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Players stand in a circle facing the centre with their hands on their backs.
One player stands in the middle of the circle.
The centre player closes their eyes.
The leader gives an object in the hands of one of the players.
On the leader's signal to begin, the centre players opens their eyes and tries to determine who is holding the object.
Players holding the object can only hold onto it for about five seconds.
If the centre player guesses correctly the two players switch spots and play again.
If the centre player guesses four times incorrectly, have the centre player switch with one of the circle players.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for Understanding:
What cues can the middle player focus on to find the player holding the object?
What can players that are part of the circle do to fool the centre player?
Having more players in the circle makes it more challenging, having fewer players makes it easier.
Adding more players in the centre makes it easier for a centre player to dedect the player with the object.