One Bounce Balloon
Heading 1
For a group to determine how long they can keep a balloon afloat with each player limited to not touching the balloon more than one time in a row.
-Equipment List:
One balloon per group of 3-8 players

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Players stand in a circle holding hands.
One player holds a balloon.
On the leader's signal to begin the balloon is tossed into the air and the team attempts to bump the ball into the air and keep it afloat.
When the balloon hits the floor or is hit by one player two times in a row the activity ends.
Determine which group can keep their balloon afloat the longest.
-Questions & Notes:
Have players call their hit to avoid two players bumping heads.
Make it more challenging by limiting the contact to just hands, head, feet...
What leadership strategy did the groups use to help them succeed at the task?