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The group tries to untie a knot as quickly as possible.
-Equipment List:
One half-noodle (full-length noodles cut in half length) per player.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Each player is given one pool noodle--each held in the player's right hand.
Players stand in a tight circle and extend their pool noodle to someone across from the circle. That player holds the noodle with their left hand.
All players should now be holding a pool noodle with both hands.
Without letting go of any of the pool noodles the group attempts to unravel their knot.
-Questions & Notes:
Magical Knot:
One person stays outside of the group and is called the magician.
The magician is responsible for directing the group to untying the knot.
Question for the group:
How did they make decisions about how to untie the knot?
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