Highest Pegged Tower
Heading 1
For a team of 3-4 players to build the highest free-standing tower.
-Equipment List:
Approximately four clothes pegs per player

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Place clothes pegs along an end-line (not against a wall--think safety) of the playing area.
The players stand with their team at the other end.
On the leader's signal to begin, the first player runs to the clothes pegs, picks one up and runs back.
When the first player has picked up a clothes peg, the second player runs to pick one up.... All players must take their turn.
As the clothes pegs are brought in the team can begin building as a high a free-standing tower as possible.
Once all the clothes pegs have been picked up, give the teams another two (of more) minutes to complete their tower.
The highest tower is the winner.
-Questions & Notes:
Questions for understanding:
What was needed to build a free-standing tower as high as possible?
What did you think of the leadership process/decisions your team adopted?