Balloon Aloft
Heading 1
To take turns for players on teams keeping a balloon up with their body.
-Equipment List:
One balloon for teams of four to six players.

-Equipment Link:
-Setting Up:
Teams of four to six players hold hands in a circle.
One player holds a balloon.
WHen the leader gives the signal to begin the player with the balloon tosses the balloon in the air.
Players may only bounce the balloon once in the air till all the other players have hit the balloon--teams will need to keep track of who hit the balloon when and who is next.
Determine how long each team can do this.
-Questions & Notes:
Can teams do it with only using their heads?
Questions for Understanding:
How can teams best keep track of who needs to hit the balloon next?
How can teams help the player who needs to hit the balloon next.... to be in the best position to hit the balloon?
How does it feel when it all runs smoothly? Falls apart?